New Thematic Educator Guide: Teaching Media Literacy

By Kaitlyn Spotts | July 18 2024 | Education & Professional LearningGeneral

In 2023, thirty-five states had pending legislation to address concerns over children’s mental health and internet communication, including social media. School systems are enacting media digital citizenship curricula. Amidst this growing concern, it is imperative for educators to keep two guiding questions in mind: What are the many technology traps from which we need to keep kids “safe”? And, how can we prepare children to make good choices online even when adults or parental controls are absent?

The books in this text set provide important information about media safety for elementary-aged children. Notes are included on modifying strategies for lower-elementary students (grades K–2) versus upper-elementary students (grades 3–5). Teachers can choose one or any combination of books and strategies to use with whole-class instruction, reading circles, or independent reading as they empower students to make good choices as they navigate the internet.

Download the free guides for elementary, middle, and high school.

A robot discovers that the real world is more fun than the virtual world!
$8.99 US
Mar 08, 2016
40 Pages
Dragonfly Books

A hilarious, timely conversation about the differences between facts and opinions, by the creator of the #1 New York Times bestseller Goodnight Goon
$18.99 US
Feb 11, 2020
32 Pages
Nancy Paulsen Books

A Child's Guide to Digital Responsibility, Safety, and Etiquette
A fun and informative illustrated kids’ guide to safely and productively navigating the digital landscape.
$17.00 US
Jul 26, 2022
144 Pages