Books for Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month

By Coll Rowe | July 29 2024 | Social Studies & HistoryEnglish Language Arts

Penguin Random House Education is proud to celebrate Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs annually from September 15th through October 15th. We are highlighting the works of our authors and illustrators from the Latinx and Hispanic community, whose stories and characters have a profound impact on our society.

Here is a selection of titles that we encourage you to share with your students:

Elementary School – Latinx & Hispanic Creators

The Protest that Built Chicano Park
A vivid historical fiction account of the community activism behind San Diego's Chicano Park—home to the largest outdoor mural collection in the U.S.—and just one example of the Mexican American community’s rich history of resistance and resilience.
$18.99 US
Jun 18, 2024
40 Pages
Dial Books

A Día de Muertos Story
Julieta is eager to honor her Abuelita's spirit on Día de Muertos, but struggles to find the perfect gift. A touching story that celebrates ancestors and teaches that the most meaningful tributes come from the heart illustrated by award-winning Sara Palacios.
$18.99 US
Sep 10, 2024
40 Pages
Knopf Books for Young Readers

De la autora de Magia: En una tierra muy lejana llega este canto a la imaginación; la historia de determinación de una niña que sueña con traer a las mariposas de vuelta, incluso si tiene que hacerlas ella misma. ¿Te imaginas una época en la que la tierra y el cielo pertenecían a las mariposas? Yo sí...   Una niña sueña con las mariposas amarillas que antes poblaban Veracruz y está decidida a recrear su esplendor, aún si significa hacerlas de papel. Cuando la naturaleza frustra sus planes, la magia y la lluvia traen algo más hermoso de lo que ella podría haber esperado.   Basada en los recuerdos de la autora sobre un huracán que desvió la migración de miles de mariposas hacia su ciudad natal cerca de Veracruz, México, esta hermosa historia captura la esencia de la imaginación y la belleza de lo inesperado.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONFrom the author of Magic: Once Upon a Faraway Land comes a story of imagination and the determination of a child to bring back the butterflies— even if she has to make them herself. Can you imagine a time when the land and the sky belonged to the mariposas? I can . . . A young girl dreams of the land’s historic mariposas amarillas and is determined to re-create their glory, even if her butterflies are made of paper. But when nature thwarts her plans, life, magic, and yes, even the rain, bring something more beautiful than she ever could have crafted. Based on the author’s own memories of a hurricane that diverted the migration of thousands of butterflies through her hometown near Veracruz, Mexico, this beautiful story captures the essence of imagination and the beauty of the unexpected.
$18.95 US
Apr 23, 2024
40 Pages
Vintage Español

Inspired by the #1 New York Times bestseller She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger, a chapter book series about women who spoke up and rose up against the odds—including community activist Dolores Huerta!
$6.99 US
Sep 03, 2024
96 Pages
Philomel Books

(Spanish-English bilingual edition)
Meet the remarkable librarian, Luis Soriano, in this paperback, bilingual picture book that celebrates spreading the joys of reading.
$8.99 US
Jul 16, 2024
32 Pages
Dragonfly Books

Una historia multicultural que ayudará a los más pequeños a sentirse cómodos en sus nuevas escuelas y a descubrir las alegrías que pueden encontrar en las nuevas comunidades. Un álbum ilustrado lleno de imaginación, que celebra el poder del amor. Gloriana está nerviosa. Es su primer día en la escuela primaria. Su abuela la calma contándole historias sobre su hogar en la República Dominicana. Pero tan pronto Gloriana entra al salón de clases, sus recuerdos del paisaje tropical se desvanecen y empieza a escuchar frases en inglés que ella no comprende. Cuando los niños se acercan para invitarla a jugar, Gloriana se paraliza. Se siente insegura. ¿Cómo existir entre lugares e idiomas tan diferentes? ¿Cómo hacer nuevos amigos hablando dos idiomas? Abuela reconoce ecos de su propio viaje como emigrante en ese primer día de escuela de Gloriana, y la guía para que descubra la confianza en sí misma y en sus culturas.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONAn affirming multicultural story that will help new students stand tall and discover the joys of community at school. This beautifully painted, imaginative picture book celebrates the transformative power of self- soothing. On the first day of elementary school, Abuela soothes Gloriana’s nerves by telling her stories about their family home in la República Dominicana. But as soon as Gloriana enters the classroom, the tropical scenery crumbles and la música is replaced with English phrases she does not understand.   When other kids approach her to play, she freezes, uncertain about how to exist in both of her different homes and how to make new friends using her two languages. Abuela recognizes echoes of her own immigration journey on this challenging day at school, and she gently guides Gloriana toward newfound confidence.
$18.95 US
Jul 30, 2024
40 Pages
Vintage Español