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By Colin Reublinger | February 5 2025 | Banned BooksStudent SuccessGeneralEducation & Professional LearningEnglish Language Arts

Sustaining K-12 DEI Initiatives in a Changing Landscape:
Tips, Tools, and Strategies

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET


Presented by Dr. Keisha Harris, Principal, Central School (NJ), and Affirmative Action and DEI Officer; Dr. Lori Rhodes, Associate Superintendent for High Schools, Stamford Public Schools (CT); and Dr. Erica Silva, School Improvement Specialist, Quality Schools and Districts Team, WestEd, and Adjunct Assistant Professor, USC Rossier School of Education

Moderated by Keline Adams, Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Penguin Random House

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) helps create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment where all students feel seen, valued, and empowered to succeed, regardless of their background, race, gender, or ability. With present and emerging threats to enacting DEI practices in K-12 education, we will engage in a thoughtful discussion on sustaining DEI initiatives in your community.

Join us for a transformative edWebinar designed to equip educators with practical tools for enhancing DEI in classrooms and school communities within current challenges to the education landscape. During this edWebinar, we’ll:

  • Provide insights into addressing biases and fostering equity in teaching approaches
  • Share best practices to bolster educator confidence in teaching unfamiliar books and materials
  • Offer ways to engage in culturally respectful communication with parents and families

This edWebinar will be of interest to K-12 school leaders, chief diversity officers, district leaders, and family engagement staff. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

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About the Presenters:

Dr. Keisha Harris is the Principal of Central School in New Jersey, which currently houses Preschool to Grade 2. She has served in the Glen Ridge Public Schools for over 20 years. In addition, she has worked as an administrator for every grade level in the district and currently serves as the Affirmative Action and DEI Officer for the school district.





Dr. Lori Rhodes currently serves as the Associate Superintendent for High Schools in Stamford Public Schools in Connecticut. She oversees the district’s two large comprehensive high schools, the magnet school, and the alternative program. She is currently working to expand secondary programming by increasing pathway and academy offerings in order to better meet students’ needs and increase authentic engagement. Dr. Rhodes has worked in education for almost 30 years, serving as a bilingual Spanish elementary teacher, a secondary school history teacher, an administrator, and a professor of educational leadership. Dr. Rhodes recently co-authored a book entitled Equitable School Scheduling, published by Corwin Press.




Dr. Erica Silva serves as a School Improvement Specialist on the Quality Schools and Districts Team at WestEd, a national, nonpartisan research, development, and service agency focused on expanding educational equity. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the USC Rossier School of Education where she teaches courses for pre-service teachers on instructional technology and educational equity in the Master of Arts in Teaching program. Prior to joining WestEd, Dr. Silva was the Associate Director of K-12 Programs at the USC Race & Equity Center where she coordinated and led professional development with schools and districts across the country to advance racial equity within their organizations. Dr. Silva is also a former elementary and middle school teacher and instructional coach.



About the Moderator

Keline Adams is the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Penguin Random House and brings over two decades of experience as a social justice advocate, educator, and artist. Before joining the DEI Team at PRH, Keline worked with Pregnancy Justice for four years to shape programming, DEIB priorities, and facilitate endeavors on a national scale. From 2019 through 2021, she served as Interim Managing Director for DNAWORKS, an arts-based wellness organization, working with leadership on their five-year strategic plan to expand impact within the local community. Keline holds a master’s degree in applied theater from CUNY School of Professional Studies where she co-teaches graduate level course intensives centered on anti-racism, anti-oppression, and DEIB in the workplace. She is the co-creator of Voice Be Heard!, a creative arts initiative that empowers Black women writers to connect and share their work through digital and in-person events.