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Eb & Flow

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On sale Mar 26, 2024 | 224 Pages | 9780593429167
Grades 3-7
Reading Level: Lexile NP | Fountas & Pinnell Y

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A ten-day suspension has tweens De'Kari and Ebony seeing the world with a fresh perspective. Don't miss this poignant novel in verse from the award-winning author of Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero.

Two kids. One fight. No one thinks they’re wrong.


I don’t even hit girls . . . is what I’m thinking.

I roll my eyes, turn them to my shoes.

Shoes I’ma wear every day till they fall off my feet.


It was all just an accident!

Nobody was trying to mess up

his Stupid Ugly Shoes.

Now I’ve got my third suspension of seventh grade.

Ebony and De’Kari (aka Flow) do not get along. How could they when their cafeteria scuffle ended with De'Kari's ruined shoes, Ebony on the ground, and both of them with ten days of at-home suspension? Now Eb and Flow have two weeks to think about and explain their behavior—to their families, to each other, and ultimately to themselves.

Award-winning author Kelly J. Baptist delivers a novel in verse that follows Eb and Flow as they navigate their parallel lives. Single-parent homes, tight funds, and sibling dynamics provide a balancing act for the growing tweens. And whether they realize it or not, these two have a lot more in common than they think.
Kelly J. Baptist is the inaugural winner of the We Need Diverse Books short-story contest. Her story is featured in the WNDB anthology Flying Lessons & Other Stories and inspired her first full-length novel, Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero and its sequel, Isaiah Dunn Saves the Day. Kelly is also the author of the picture book The Electric Slide and Kai and the middle-grade novels The Swag Is in the Socks Eb & Flow. Kelly lives in southwest Michigan with her five amazing children. View titles by Kelly J. Baptist
The Day Of


I don’t hit girls.

I don’t even hit girls . . . is what I’m thinking

but I musta said it out loud because Mr. Warren,

our bald-­headed principal, raises his eyebrows and says,

“You sure about that? Our cameras

show us something very different, De’Kari.”

“It’s Flow,” I say. I always say it.

“Your name is De’Kari Flood, and that’s

what I’m calling you,” says Mr. Warren.

Just like everyone else.

I roll my eyes, turn them to my shoes.

New shoes.

Shoes I’ma wear every day till they fall off my feet.


“He called me the b-­word.

And it was all just an accident!

Nobody was trying to mess up

his Stupid Ugly Shoes.”

My arms are crossed, and I’m giving Mr. Warren

the same look I seen Ma give my sister, Poke,

when Poke comes at her wrong.

Ma learned The Look from my granny,

who be givin’ it to all of us when we’re wrong.

I’m not tryna be no poet, but

Poke ain’t no Joke.

So she gets The Look a lot.

Guess I do, too.

Few more minutes of this with Mr. Warren,

and then my granny will be on the phone

listening to him tell her

allllllll about



got to fighting


“So you stepped on his shoes by accident?”


Sometimes I be thinkin’ Mr. Warren

can’t hear that good.

He asks the same questions


and over.

“And then he called you a name?”

“The b-­word.”

Get it right, Mr. Warren.

“And then?”

“I slapped him in his ugly face.”

Yeah. I slapped him good, too!

Everybody in the lunchroom went,


“Then he pushed you?” Mr. Warren asks,

lookin’ all concerned.

“And I pushed him back!” I say.


“You seen the video—­why you wastin’ time asking?”

Mr. Warren ignores my question.

He good at that.

“What happened after you pushed him?”

I let the question


I glue my hand to my leg to keep from touching

my left cheek, which throbs.

If I wasn’t dark like Milky Way Midnights,

I’d be red right there.

Like that cinnamon gum Poke’s boyfriend loves.

Because that can’t-­rap fool, who calls himself Flow,





Mr. Warren’s the mean principal.

The one giving suspensions out like M&M’s

and making kids go to detention and stuff.

Mr. Porter’s the nice principal who talks

at assemblies and can actually dance.

If you’re student of the week, he buys you lunch, whatever you want.

And if you get on

“Principal Porter’s list,”

there’s a fancy banquet.

I ain’t on

nobody’s list,

and I don’t care.

Except . . . Mr. Warren pulls up my grades,

tells me I’m close.

Close to having them add my name to a list

but which one

is up

to me.


Third suspension of seventh grade.

Eighth since I been at Brookside Junior High.

Mr. Warren tells me this like I don’t know.

It’s a lot.


Maybe if people stop messin’ with me . . .

“Did you apologize?”


“You said it was an accident,” Mr. Warren says.

He leans forward. “Did you apologize to De’Kari

for stepping on his shoes?”

“Yeah,” I say,

rolling my eyes . . . and the lie.


“How come you didn’t get an adult?”

They always ask this.

C’mon, man. You got “war” in your name.

Don’t act like




That’s what my shrug says.

“Look at me,” Mr. Warren says.

“Real men look eye to eye.”

I glare at him. Silent.

Oh yeah?

A real man also don’t get punked by no stupid girl.

I got scratches on the side of my face from that girl!

“Y’all gotta learn how to let stuff go.”

My brain screams,

That’s the problem, Mr. Warren!

Everything I have,

everything I love

already goes.


I shift in the seat, and my back shouts.

My face must show it.

“Are you okay?” asks Mr. Warren.

I only nod.

But I already know this really gonna hurt tomorrow,

just like when I fought Shaya.

I barely remember what happened after I pushed De’Kari . . .

after he socked me.

I heard kids sayin’,

“OOOOH, he slammed her!” after they broke us up and

dragged us to the guidance office.


I bet Jonetta and Bri and them were recording on their phones.

They do that with all the fights.

I suck my teeth, sigh.

Mr. Warren sighs, too.

“Are we calling your grandmother?”

“Who else we gon’ call?” I snap before I can stop myself.

Mr. Warren dials. “I hope these ten days give you plenty of time to think about the path you’re on, Ebony.”


Granny picks up and Mr. Warren puts on his principal voice.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Lewis. This is Principal Warren at Brookside—­”

“Ah naw! Do NOT tell me Ebony in trouble again?”

I wince when I hear her voice.

Mr. Warren explains the fight, what he think happened.

Tells Granny I got ten days.

“Put her on the phone,” Granny demands.

I groan when Mr. Warren puts it on speaker.

“Granny, I ain’t even do nothing!” I start.

“Betta shut that mouth! I’m ’bout sick of getting calls

from that school!”

“But he—­”

Doesn’t matter what I say. Granny barrels over my words.

“Poke got the car; can’t get you till she’s off work.”

“That’s alright,” Mr. Warren says. “She’ll finish the day in the Focus Center.”

No one listens when I say that’s the last place

on earth I wanna be.


I didn’t call her the b-­word.

Even if he don’t believe me, I still need to say it.

It was probably Greg. He calls all the girls that word.

I’m not about to snitch, cuz it don’t even matter now

and that’s not what we do.

But Mr. Warren needs to know.


Poke works at Rainbow, the one in the same plaza

as Target and PetSmart.

She lucky to have that job, ’specially after our cousin

Ty’ree stole some stuff from there.

Tried to, anyway.

Ladies’ boots with fur inside, an off-­brand jersey,

And a wallet.

Dumb stuff.

He got caught quick.

Poke says the smartest thing he did was

act like he didn’t know her.

That was a few years ago, but Granny still don’t like

when I tease him and say,

“Ty’ree rhymes with free!”

Ty’ree the kind of cousin you glad is your cousin,

blood cousin,

and not

your enemy.


I already know what’s gonna happen before

Mr. Warren picks up the phone:

Call Ma first.

No answer.

She’s at work, cell phone off.

Next up, my dad.

But ten digits won’t get Dad’s voice.

Not no more.

“Who’s Reggie Springer?”

My heart starts pounding.

Ma put him down as a contact?

“Just call my brother, Cas,” I say.

But nah, Mr. Warren gotta be difficult

and call my uncle Reggie anyway.

I’m prayin’ prayin’ prayin’ . . . that Uncle Reggie’s busy

changing oil, rotating tires, fixin’ engines,

so he can’t get the phone.

Prayer must work, at least for now.

Mr. Warren gotta dial the numbers I give him.

My big bro picks up right away,

and he says those magic words:

He coming to get me.


The Focus Center is a joke when Mr. Ford is in there

and like a prison when it’s Ms. Humphries.

“Eyes ahead, no talking!” Ms. Humphries says

as soon as I slump onto a desk.

I’m sitting behind Big Mike, so hopefully she won’t see me when I slide my phone from my pocket and text Poke,

BEG her to come get me.

Seven other kids in here, all doing boring worksheets.

I’m sure Ms. Humphries balls them up

and trashes them when we leave.

It’s quiet, but the stares are loud.

They all talking with their eyes.

That’s the one . . .

the one that smacked that boy.

In the lunchroom?


I heard he bodied her!

He prolly did!

That’s what she get!

I narrow my eyes, but soon it makes my cheek hurt.

My nose hurts, too.

I check my phone again.

Missed texts.

Angie, askin’ if I’m aight.

Kianna, sayin’ De’Kari was wrong for what he did.

Precious, tellin’ me it’s on Snapchat and IG.

I’m gonna send Poke ten million texts

till she leaves Rainbow and comes here.

I keep looking out the window for her car.

But all I see is De’Kari and some older guy.

They prolly laughing.

De’Kari’s brother or cousin or whatever

prolly proud, sayin’, “Good job, bro!

You put that b in her place!”

I hate the prickly way tears feel

when your eyes don’t want them to come.

It burns until you blink and blink.

Poke. Doesn’t. Text. Me. Back.


“What was yo’ dumb self thinkin’?” goes Cas.

His words hit me, same as the cold air,

when we get outside.

“You hittin’ girls now?”

Cas punches my shoulder.

“Nah, it wasn’t like that,” I try to explain. “She—­”

“You can chill with all that,” Cas cuts me off. “Ma gonna

lose it. Ten days, bro?”


I slam the car door when I climb inside.

Cas gives me a warning look, so I stare out the window.

Brookside speeds by as Cas drives.

Gray. Bumpy.

Familiar, like a favorite hoodie . . .

Nothing brand new.

People say it’s a town you don’t wanna leave,

and even if you do, you always come back.

They also say it’s a town you wanna leave but don’t.

People say Brookside is a bad place.


But we got Mr. Crenshaw, who barbecues in super-­short shorts and boots, no matter how hot or cold,

and if we walk by his house while he’s out there,

he always slides us a wing or drumstick.

Miz Turner hands out Band-­Aids if somebody gets hurt.

If you into ball, Money Mack helps us kids get our game right.

And we got Larry’s, the BEST burger place in the world.

So people need to know.

Where I live is more than just one thing.


Granny’s lips are pressed tight, and she’s gripping her purse

like a football she can’t fumble.

It was mad awkward when they called my name

on the intercom.

“Excuse the interruption, staff and students. Ebony Wilson to the main office with her belongings to go.”

Everybody looked at me. . . .

Probably all thinking . . .

Yup, she’s suspended.

Granny has Jaren with her.

He my nephew, Poke’s baby.

He’s two, but nowhere near terrible.

He smiles when he sees me and runs over.

I can’t help smilin’, too, cuz of how cute he is.

Plus, his is probably the only smile

I’ma get today.


My brother’s name is David, but everybody calls him Cas,

short for Casper, as in Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Cas’s dad says when Cas was born, he was so bright

EVERYBODY was side-­eyein’ my mama.

His dad called him Casper and then just Cas,

and then it stuck.

My dad did the same thing with me.

He took videos on his phone of when I was a baby

doing that cute baby-­talk stuff.

He said, “Listen to him go! This kid got flow!”

And he started calling me that.


But I don’t got flow like him. (He was pretty well-­known for his rhymes.)

I got flow like me. (I’m not well-­known, but I’m a beast in the water.)

And unlike Cas, my nickname didn’t stick with Ma.

Just with my dad.
Praise for Eb & Flow
“A moving and layered story of reflection and connection.” —Kirkus Reviews

"This story will resonate with readers struggling to find ways to express their emotional lives in ways that society deems appropriate." —The Horn Book

Praise for Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero:

A Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year!

“An inventive and heartfelt debut novel.” —The New York Times

★ "An uplifting, affirming story for every collection.” —Booklist, starred review

★ "Isaiah’s optimism, drive, and loyalty to friends and family make him a hero to cheer for and lend a feeling of hope to this exploration of difficult topics." —Publishers Weekly, starred review

Praise for The Swag Is in the Socks:
★"An excellent read-alike to Jacqueline Woodson’s Harbor Me or Janae Marks’ From the Desk of Zoe Washington.”–Booklist, Starred Review

"A warm but authentic picture of a middle schooler figuring out who he is and who he wants to be." –The Bulletin


A ten-day suspension has tweens De'Kari and Ebony seeing the world with a fresh perspective. Don't miss this poignant novel in verse from the award-winning author of Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero.

Two kids. One fight. No one thinks they’re wrong.


I don’t even hit girls . . . is what I’m thinking.

I roll my eyes, turn them to my shoes.

Shoes I’ma wear every day till they fall off my feet.


It was all just an accident!

Nobody was trying to mess up

his Stupid Ugly Shoes.

Now I’ve got my third suspension of seventh grade.

Ebony and De’Kari (aka Flow) do not get along. How could they when their cafeteria scuffle ended with De'Kari's ruined shoes, Ebony on the ground, and both of them with ten days of at-home suspension? Now Eb and Flow have two weeks to think about and explain their behavior—to their families, to each other, and ultimately to themselves.

Award-winning author Kelly J. Baptist delivers a novel in verse that follows Eb and Flow as they navigate their parallel lives. Single-parent homes, tight funds, and sibling dynamics provide a balancing act for the growing tweens. And whether they realize it or not, these two have a lot more in common than they think.


Kelly J. Baptist is the inaugural winner of the We Need Diverse Books short-story contest. Her story is featured in the WNDB anthology Flying Lessons & Other Stories and inspired her first full-length novel, Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero and its sequel, Isaiah Dunn Saves the Day. Kelly is also the author of the picture book The Electric Slide and Kai and the middle-grade novels The Swag Is in the Socks Eb & Flow. Kelly lives in southwest Michigan with her five amazing children. View titles by Kelly J. Baptist


The Day Of


I don’t hit girls.

I don’t even hit girls . . . is what I’m thinking

but I musta said it out loud because Mr. Warren,

our bald-­headed principal, raises his eyebrows and says,

“You sure about that? Our cameras

show us something very different, De’Kari.”

“It’s Flow,” I say. I always say it.

“Your name is De’Kari Flood, and that’s

what I’m calling you,” says Mr. Warren.

Just like everyone else.

I roll my eyes, turn them to my shoes.

New shoes.

Shoes I’ma wear every day till they fall off my feet.


“He called me the b-­word.

And it was all just an accident!

Nobody was trying to mess up

his Stupid Ugly Shoes.”

My arms are crossed, and I’m giving Mr. Warren

the same look I seen Ma give my sister, Poke,

when Poke comes at her wrong.

Ma learned The Look from my granny,

who be givin’ it to all of us when we’re wrong.

I’m not tryna be no poet, but

Poke ain’t no Joke.

So she gets The Look a lot.

Guess I do, too.

Few more minutes of this with Mr. Warren,

and then my granny will be on the phone

listening to him tell her

allllllll about



got to fighting


“So you stepped on his shoes by accident?”


Sometimes I be thinkin’ Mr. Warren

can’t hear that good.

He asks the same questions


and over.

“And then he called you a name?”

“The b-­word.”

Get it right, Mr. Warren.

“And then?”

“I slapped him in his ugly face.”

Yeah. I slapped him good, too!

Everybody in the lunchroom went,


“Then he pushed you?” Mr. Warren asks,

lookin’ all concerned.

“And I pushed him back!” I say.


“You seen the video—­why you wastin’ time asking?”

Mr. Warren ignores my question.

He good at that.

“What happened after you pushed him?”

I let the question


I glue my hand to my leg to keep from touching

my left cheek, which throbs.

If I wasn’t dark like Milky Way Midnights,

I’d be red right there.

Like that cinnamon gum Poke’s boyfriend loves.

Because that can’t-­rap fool, who calls himself Flow,





Mr. Warren’s the mean principal.

The one giving suspensions out like M&M’s

and making kids go to detention and stuff.

Mr. Porter’s the nice principal who talks

at assemblies and can actually dance.

If you’re student of the week, he buys you lunch, whatever you want.

And if you get on

“Principal Porter’s list,”

there’s a fancy banquet.

I ain’t on

nobody’s list,

and I don’t care.

Except . . . Mr. Warren pulls up my grades,

tells me I’m close.

Close to having them add my name to a list

but which one

is up

to me.


Third suspension of seventh grade.

Eighth since I been at Brookside Junior High.

Mr. Warren tells me this like I don’t know.

It’s a lot.


Maybe if people stop messin’ with me . . .

“Did you apologize?”


“You said it was an accident,” Mr. Warren says.

He leans forward. “Did you apologize to De’Kari

for stepping on his shoes?”

“Yeah,” I say,

rolling my eyes . . . and the lie.


“How come you didn’t get an adult?”

They always ask this.

C’mon, man. You got “war” in your name.

Don’t act like




That’s what my shrug says.

“Look at me,” Mr. Warren says.

“Real men look eye to eye.”

I glare at him. Silent.

Oh yeah?

A real man also don’t get punked by no stupid girl.

I got scratches on the side of my face from that girl!

“Y’all gotta learn how to let stuff go.”

My brain screams,

That’s the problem, Mr. Warren!

Everything I have,

everything I love

already goes.


I shift in the seat, and my back shouts.

My face must show it.

“Are you okay?” asks Mr. Warren.

I only nod.

But I already know this really gonna hurt tomorrow,

just like when I fought Shaya.

I barely remember what happened after I pushed De’Kari . . .

after he socked me.

I heard kids sayin’,

“OOOOH, he slammed her!” after they broke us up and

dragged us to the guidance office.


I bet Jonetta and Bri and them were recording on their phones.

They do that with all the fights.

I suck my teeth, sigh.

Mr. Warren sighs, too.

“Are we calling your grandmother?”

“Who else we gon’ call?” I snap before I can stop myself.

Mr. Warren dials. “I hope these ten days give you plenty of time to think about the path you’re on, Ebony.”


Granny picks up and Mr. Warren puts on his principal voice.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Lewis. This is Principal Warren at Brookside—­”

“Ah naw! Do NOT tell me Ebony in trouble again?”

I wince when I hear her voice.

Mr. Warren explains the fight, what he think happened.

Tells Granny I got ten days.

“Put her on the phone,” Granny demands.

I groan when Mr. Warren puts it on speaker.

“Granny, I ain’t even do nothing!” I start.

“Betta shut that mouth! I’m ’bout sick of getting calls

from that school!”

“But he—­”

Doesn’t matter what I say. Granny barrels over my words.

“Poke got the car; can’t get you till she’s off work.”

“That’s alright,” Mr. Warren says. “She’ll finish the day in the Focus Center.”

No one listens when I say that’s the last place

on earth I wanna be.


I didn’t call her the b-­word.

Even if he don’t believe me, I still need to say it.

It was probably Greg. He calls all the girls that word.

I’m not about to snitch, cuz it don’t even matter now

and that’s not what we do.

But Mr. Warren needs to know.


Poke works at Rainbow, the one in the same plaza

as Target and PetSmart.

She lucky to have that job, ’specially after our cousin

Ty’ree stole some stuff from there.

Tried to, anyway.

Ladies’ boots with fur inside, an off-­brand jersey,

And a wallet.

Dumb stuff.

He got caught quick.

Poke says the smartest thing he did was

act like he didn’t know her.

That was a few years ago, but Granny still don’t like

when I tease him and say,

“Ty’ree rhymes with free!”

Ty’ree the kind of cousin you glad is your cousin,

blood cousin,

and not

your enemy.


I already know what’s gonna happen before

Mr. Warren picks up the phone:

Call Ma first.

No answer.

She’s at work, cell phone off.

Next up, my dad.

But ten digits won’t get Dad’s voice.

Not no more.

“Who’s Reggie Springer?”

My heart starts pounding.

Ma put him down as a contact?

“Just call my brother, Cas,” I say.

But nah, Mr. Warren gotta be difficult

and call my uncle Reggie anyway.

I’m prayin’ prayin’ prayin’ . . . that Uncle Reggie’s busy

changing oil, rotating tires, fixin’ engines,

so he can’t get the phone.

Prayer must work, at least for now.

Mr. Warren gotta dial the numbers I give him.

My big bro picks up right away,

and he says those magic words:

He coming to get me.


The Focus Center is a joke when Mr. Ford is in there

and like a prison when it’s Ms. Humphries.

“Eyes ahead, no talking!” Ms. Humphries says

as soon as I slump onto a desk.

I’m sitting behind Big Mike, so hopefully she won’t see me when I slide my phone from my pocket and text Poke,

BEG her to come get me.

Seven other kids in here, all doing boring worksheets.

I’m sure Ms. Humphries balls them up

and trashes them when we leave.

It’s quiet, but the stares are loud.

They all talking with their eyes.

That’s the one . . .

the one that smacked that boy.

In the lunchroom?


I heard he bodied her!

He prolly did!

That’s what she get!

I narrow my eyes, but soon it makes my cheek hurt.

My nose hurts, too.

I check my phone again.

Missed texts.

Angie, askin’ if I’m aight.

Kianna, sayin’ De’Kari was wrong for what he did.

Precious, tellin’ me it’s on Snapchat and IG.

I’m gonna send Poke ten million texts

till she leaves Rainbow and comes here.

I keep looking out the window for her car.

But all I see is De’Kari and some older guy.

They prolly laughing.

De’Kari’s brother or cousin or whatever

prolly proud, sayin’, “Good job, bro!

You put that b in her place!”

I hate the prickly way tears feel

when your eyes don’t want them to come.

It burns until you blink and blink.

Poke. Doesn’t. Text. Me. Back.


“What was yo’ dumb self thinkin’?” goes Cas.

His words hit me, same as the cold air,

when we get outside.

“You hittin’ girls now?”

Cas punches my shoulder.

“Nah, it wasn’t like that,” I try to explain. “She—­”

“You can chill with all that,” Cas cuts me off. “Ma gonna

lose it. Ten days, bro?”


I slam the car door when I climb inside.

Cas gives me a warning look, so I stare out the window.

Brookside speeds by as Cas drives.

Gray. Bumpy.

Familiar, like a favorite hoodie . . .

Nothing brand new.

People say it’s a town you don’t wanna leave,

and even if you do, you always come back.

They also say it’s a town you wanna leave but don’t.

People say Brookside is a bad place.


But we got Mr. Crenshaw, who barbecues in super-­short shorts and boots, no matter how hot or cold,

and if we walk by his house while he’s out there,

he always slides us a wing or drumstick.

Miz Turner hands out Band-­Aids if somebody gets hurt.

If you into ball, Money Mack helps us kids get our game right.

And we got Larry’s, the BEST burger place in the world.

So people need to know.

Where I live is more than just one thing.


Granny’s lips are pressed tight, and she’s gripping her purse

like a football she can’t fumble.

It was mad awkward when they called my name

on the intercom.

“Excuse the interruption, staff and students. Ebony Wilson to the main office with her belongings to go.”

Everybody looked at me. . . .

Probably all thinking . . .

Yup, she’s suspended.

Granny has Jaren with her.

He my nephew, Poke’s baby.

He’s two, but nowhere near terrible.

He smiles when he sees me and runs over.

I can’t help smilin’, too, cuz of how cute he is.

Plus, his is probably the only smile

I’ma get today.


My brother’s name is David, but everybody calls him Cas,

short for Casper, as in Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Cas’s dad says when Cas was born, he was so bright

EVERYBODY was side-­eyein’ my mama.

His dad called him Casper and then just Cas,

and then it stuck.

My dad did the same thing with me.

He took videos on his phone of when I was a baby

doing that cute baby-­talk stuff.

He said, “Listen to him go! This kid got flow!”

And he started calling me that.


But I don’t got flow like him. (He was pretty well-­known for his rhymes.)

I got flow like me. (I’m not well-­known, but I’m a beast in the water.)

And unlike Cas, my nickname didn’t stick with Ma.

Just with my dad.


Praise for Eb & Flow
“A moving and layered story of reflection and connection.” —Kirkus Reviews

"This story will resonate with readers struggling to find ways to express their emotional lives in ways that society deems appropriate." —The Horn Book

Praise for Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero:

A Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year!

“An inventive and heartfelt debut novel.” —The New York Times

★ "An uplifting, affirming story for every collection.” —Booklist, starred review

★ "Isaiah’s optimism, drive, and loyalty to friends and family make him a hero to cheer for and lend a feeling of hope to this exploration of difficult topics." —Publishers Weekly, starred review

Praise for The Swag Is in the Socks:
★"An excellent read-alike to Jacqueline Woodson’s Harbor Me or Janae Marks’ From the Desk of Zoe Washington.”–Booklist, Starred Review

"A warm but authentic picture of a middle schooler figuring out who he is and who he wants to be." –The Bulletin

Reading with Purpose Summit Event

On Monday, June 10th, Penguin Random House Education and DK Learning co-hosted a Reading with Purpose Summit Event in collaboration with Molly Ness, PhD. The event took place at Penguin Random House’s NYC headquarters and included sessions featuring leading education experts and a lunchtime author panel. The in-person professional learning event was built to show

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2024 Elementary School Collection

The Penguin Random House Education Elementary School Collection features outstanding fiction, nonfiction, and picture books from Penguin Young Reader’s, Random House Children’s, DK, and Grupo Editorial, as well as children’s publishers distributed by Penguin Random House. Explore online or download this valuable resource to discover great books in specific topic areas such as: Leveled Readers,

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DK Learning Phonic Books Sampler Request

Thank you for your interest in DK Learning | Phonic Books. To download the DK Learning | Phonic Books sampler with four complete readers, please click here and complete the form. Once your information is successfully submitted, a link to download the sampler will be provided on the confirmation screen.   Click here to learn

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PRH Education Translanguaging Collections

Translanguaging is a communicative practice of bilinguals and multilinguals, that is, it is a practice whereby bilinguals and multilinguals use their entire linguistic repertoire to communicate and make meaning (García, 2009; García, Ibarra Johnson, & Seltzer, 2017)   It is through that lens that we have partnered with teacher educators and bilingual education experts, Drs.

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